A Casino Night To Remember.
About Our Casino Night
Serving The Needs Of The Many One Community At A Time…..
Texas Community Charities Foundation a 501 (c) (3) organization is committed to improving the quality of life of the people who live in our community by eliminating barriers to opportunity and helping people in need reach their fullest potential. We accomplish this by providing, donations to various food banks; feeding families during the holidays; providing assistance to various families and women’s shelters. Our organization does not know race, rank or religious affiliation; we meet every human being on their level with equality, dignity and humanity.

The Concept:
Each one, Reach One. There is a need to provide support and access for the basic needs of school children, our veterans and to bring more awareness to mental health.
The Problem:
The biggest problem is the lack of access. There are so many programs in place that provide support but not everyone knows how to access them. We want to fix that problem.

Casino Night

Casino Night Experience
- Complimentary Drink
- $150 Chips
Sponsorship Experience
- Headlining Sponsor of Casino Night
- Secondary Sponsor in 3 additional events
- Logo included on Banner
- Logo included on Site
- Company/CEO interview included in Physical Annual Look book Magazine
- Company blurb In Email Newsletter
- Logo on outside of Guest bag
- Product/Flyer included in guest bag
- VIP Table at event
- Exclusive networking event for all sponsored events
- Secondary Sponsor in 2 additional events
- Logo included on Site
- Company/CEO interview included in Physical Annual Look book Magazine
- Company blurb In Email Newsletter
- Product/Flyer included in guest bag
- VIP Table at event
- Exclusive networking event for all sponsored events
- Tertiary Sponsor in 1 additional event
- Logo included on Site
- Company/CEO interview included in Physical Annual Look book Magazine
- Company blurb In Email Newsletter
- Product/Flyer included in guest bag
- VIP Table at event
- Exclusive networking event for all sponsored events
- Logo included on Site
- Company blurb In Email Newsletter
- Product/Flyer included in guest bag
- VIP Table at event
- Exclusive networking event for all sponsored events
- The bigger the fun, the better the impact

The Solution
Improving our community’s access to resources. When it comes to education, mental health, and even financial conditions, so many people feel isolated or without options. This Casino Night’s impacts will immediately enhance the resources, volunteers, and progressive opportunities available to our surrounding communities.

The Impact:
To build that strong support foundation that will be there for those who need it and to continue to build on this foundation by adding additional layers of accessibility by a dedicated support team. The proceeds from this event will provide scholarships, training classes, workshops and sessions to enable the community to continue to grow and elevate.

Making the future a reality:
Your support begins our 3-step process.
1) Education & Resources – provide toolkits containing emergency phone numbers, support group meetings and workshops.
2) Professional Services – establishing and deploying a network of professionals such counselors, healthcare workers, teachers and ministers who will be willing to provide their services to those in need.
3) Paying it forward – establishing a volunteer network committed to the community and ensuring the integrity of the support and resources are maintained all over the DFW community.