Texas Community Charities Foundation would like to help the youths in our community to relize their
dreams of a college education. Unfornately a lot of exceptional high school students miss out on the
American Dream becasue they can’t afford to continue their education after high school. These exceptional students just need
a helping hand to the get the ball rolling down the road towards the relaization of their dreams.
Texas Community Charities Foundation has started the “Rites of Passage scholarship Program”. With this program Texas Community Charities Foundation will not give out scholarships directly to graduating High School Seniors, but will help to provide scholarships through the programs of other non-profit organizations who’s mission mirrors our own and that is to help as many Texas graduating high school seniors down the road to success. We all need at sometime need a helping hand, a boost up to get over an obstacle, or just simply a miracle. With only a high school diploma upward mobility may become more difficult for disadvantaged high school graduates.
In 2015, for young adults ages 25–34 who worked full time, year round, higher educational attainment was associated with higher median earnings; this pattern was consistent from 2000 through 2015. For example, in 2015 the median earnings of young adults with a bachelor’s degree ($50,000) were 64 percent higher than those of young adult high school completers ($30,500). The median earnings of young adult high school completers were 22 percent higher than those of young adults who did not complete high school ($25,000). In addition, median earnings of young adults with a master’s or higher degree were $60,000 in 2015, some 20 percent higher than the median earnings of young adults with a bachelor’s degree.
These fun loving exceptional high school students have every attention on pursuing their college dreams at the beginning of summer but those plans melt away be the end of summer. They’re stymied by tuition sticker shock. Your donations can go along way in helping a well deserving high school student achieve their dreams of tomorrow.
Thank you for contributing to “Rites of Passage scholarship Program”. Your support creates the opportunity for students to fulfill their dreams! Not only are you investing in their education today, but you are expanding their options for success tomorrow.